Rain showers early with some sunshine later in the day. Thunder possible. High 72F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 50%..
Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight. Low near 65F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph.
The air temperature has warmed up nicely, but the sun is hidden behind the blanket of clouds. Winds have been relatively light early, but increase during the afternoon hours.
Today’s forecast calls for partly sunny skies, but winds of more than 20 miles per hour from the south.
Capt. Juan Cruz reported finding better water conditions up in the northern area of Galveston Bay. He had a family trip yesterday and, using live shrimp under popping corks, they landed five speckled trout, and a nice mix of sheepshead and black drum.
Cruz said, “We released several under-sized speckled trout and seven small flounder that were just under the 15-inch mark.”
Joe Bukowski fished in Nassau Bay, which is in Clear Lake, and said, “The water temp was running 54 to 61 degrees, and the clarity was stained.” Casting a Rapala Shadow Rap-Gone, Bukowski landed one 18-inch speckled trout and an under-sized redfish.
Capt. Sammy Orlando finally got a chance to fish west Galveston Bay this past Sunday. He, along with Aaron George, Ryan Oakley and one other angler, left Sea Isle Marina at 8 a.m. According to the guide the tide was extremely low, and there was no movement.
Orlando said, “The bay resembled a swimming pool.” By lunch time, they only had one redfish, so the anglers decided to take a break and head back to Sea Isle for lunch. After grabbing that bite to eat, they boarded the boat and Orlando went to check on a spot that he hasn’t fished recently.
They all piled out of the boat, and before sundown the anglers caught a dozen or so flounder around 15 inches in length, and 15 to 20 redfish but only two were keepers. Orlando said, “It was a nice day, but we just couldn’t find the right school.” Everything was caught on soft plastic lures.
I fished with my long-time customer/friend Allan Stubblefield on Monday. We left from Eagle Point, and all I can say is the water had that tannic look. Fog was thick at times, but it was relatively calm early.
Stubblefield made quick work of the day by catching his limit of big sheepshead and some really nice black drum, all on live shrimp under popping corks. We caught and released several more fish, and by 10:30 a.m., the bite was done.
I’ll be bass fishing Thursday, and from what I’m hearing they’re active.
Capt. David Dillman is a columnist for The Daily News. Report your catch to reel.report@galvnews.com or call 409-683-5273.
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