Background Character in my Own Story.
I may post sporadically, but I'll try to reply as soon as I can!
@Colonel_Mustache ... edit Windows 11 can do memes.... why was I not told this...
Edited on Mon 20th February, 2023 @ 04:06 by Kermit1
Currently Playing: Spider-Man Remastered (PC)
Known to be quirky on occasion
I think I'm starting to have a newfound appreciation for why I prefer Switch and play it 99% of the time despite owning all consoles.
I was just signing into Wii U eShop to get my 30 Platinum coins for the week, and it dawned on me- this system is super slow and sluggish. I mean, I already knew that. But I suddenly realized I wouldn't have the patience for that anymore.
As I get older, I game in shorter and shorter bursts. When I was younger, I'd play for many, many hours straight, and I'd seldom jump around from game to game. So a sluggish system with longer boot times and higher barrier to entry was much less of a sticking point.
But now? That wouldn't fly. It's why I stopped playing my gaming PC. Even relatively speedy and snappy systems like PS5/XSX have too high a barrier to entry for me. Only handhelds are low barrier enough that I feel I can instantly jump in and out, and Switch UI is so simple and straightforward, it feels inviting.
Besides the fact hybrid gaming has kind of ruined single purpose devices for me, which is a whole other discussion, it's why Switch has pretty much become the exclusive platform I play now, and it's why I switched to digital from physical. I just lost my tolerance for barriers to entry. I need a system that's instant on, instant off, where I can jump in and out, tv or handheld or tabletop, and switch games instantly without having to get up and dig through 500 physical copies on the shelf trying to find the one game I'm looking for.
I feel so different than I did 10 years ago with the ever sluggish Wii U and 3DS, swapping physical discs and carts. It was more like watching a movie back then. I didn't mind the barriers to entry because I didn't game as much, and when I did I tended to game longer and stick with one game.
That would never fly nowadays. A result of the microwave generation? Perhaps. But I think convenience and adaptability cannot be overstated.
PLAYING NS: Metroid Prime Remastered, Fire Emblem Engage 3DS: Fire Emblem Fates - Revelations SD: Hogwarts Legacy XSX / PS5 / PC: [none]
@JaxonH Definitely a little less convenient getting a PS5 game up and running Vs Switch. The PS5 HDMI link doesn't even work properly. On Switch, when i press the home button on my controller, the console instantly turns on as it should. on PS5? If I turn my TV on, the PS5 then turns on, or the system will randomly turn on by itself poltergeist style, every now and then. How Sony managed to botch something as simple as this up is beyond me.
Also, instead of the row of game icons on the main home menu, which lead you into your game library(like Switch), it instead leads into the 'installed' section first, then you have press R1 to get to get to the actual library. It just feels sloppy and more cumbersome than it needs to be.
Plus, getting to the USB headphone volume involves more menu scrolling & button pressing as well, where as with switch it's instant and snappy. You can't even turn off the Dual Sense's touch pad lights completely either. I find it very irritating playing a game at night, in the dark only to have vivid colours emitting around the DS's touch pad and beaming right back in my face. At least they allow you to turn off that depressing Home music & annoying Key SFX.
NIntendo got it right with Switch. You're in and you're out, PS5 is leaning towards being more like a teeny tiny mild mini ritual. Although, to be perfectly fair, navigating through the eShop on Switch can be quite slow some times, but it's no biggie.
Edited on Mon 20th February, 2023 @ 04:33 by neonpizza
Yeah for me the PS4/Xbone kinda ruined gaming for me. Load times and install/update times meant that I gamed less and less on them. Especially since when I got them I moved to an area with terrible internet so my Nintendo systems were the only things that just worked or had little down time.
And now? Got a shiny new PS5/Series X and even a new TV to play em on… still on the switch. I haven’t even hooked my gaming PC back up yet. Switch is just in and out gaming like it was when I was a kid. (I was not a fan of CDs/load times when that became the main medium and it’s why I still prefer in engine cutscenes to cinematic videos/FMVs.)
As much as I love gaming it isn’t a hobby I like to lose time in. Like sure if I get sucked in but I don’t go “let’s game for 2-3 hours”. I’d rather do that with other hobbies but I still like to game often but in short play sessions (usually as a break from something else.)
I love the switch os, fast easy to read (except those dang NSO icons between regions) and boots up quick. I know people want a multimedia box but I am so glad Nintendo made a dedicated device.
Edited on Mon 20th February, 2023 @ 04:41 by Ryu_Niiyama
Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa! Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp Team Cupcake! 11/15/14 Team Spree! 4/17/19 I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.
3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama
@Ryu_Niiyama Pretty much agree on all points, except PS5 loading times. They're super quick, like really quick. for example, It almost took a minute for DOOM eternal to load up my campaign save on PS4 Pro. On PS5? it's like 5 seconds.
Either way, i barely touch my PS5 and don't plan on getting a Series X either. Plus, I've officially dropped out of PC all together. the lack of consistency, bugs, drop outs and capping frame rates(etc) and the significant sticker price for what i want and need has me running for the hills. I want to keep things super convenient and simple. Like you said, in and out, ala switch.
Switch is definitely the holy grail this generation, by a land slide. It's the only console that brings me that level of joy, and actually makes me feel like a kid again. I'll play the very rare occasional PS5 game, if that. But i specifically bought the oversized envelope engulfing modem space ship looking thing for the PSVR2, and again, the odd heavy hitter like Resident Evil 4(can't wait!), Dead Space, Silent Hill 2 etc.
Edited on Mon 20th February, 2023 @ 04:45 by neonpizza
@neonpizza because I don’t use the twins I often boot to updates or installs. I hadn’t actually mentioned load times on the ps5 but the install process still takes long enough that I only bother with something I am hyped to play. Which is gonna be a while as a lot of the current darlings aren’t my cup of tea.
Edited on Mon 20th February, 2023 @ 04:45 by Ryu_Niiyama
Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa! Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp Team Cupcake! 11/15/14 Team Spree! 4/17/19 I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.
3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama
@Ryu_Niiyama Resident evil 4 is landing this march. . It doesn't get any better than that for horror hounds. Plus it also includes VR2 content and RE Village VR is launching in 2-3 more days. It's an amazing time to be an RE fan!
The interior of Castle D in VR2 is supposed to be absolutely incredible. It's going to be another one of those extremely rare special video game experiences since AAA VR games are painfully scarce amidst the giant cesspool of VR indie titles.
After catching a glimpse of the latest RE8 VR trailer, I'm really not looking forward to taking on that giant pirahna-looking monstrosity in that small lake. underwater freakish marine life in VR always gives me the shivers.
Edited on Mon 20th February, 2023 @ 04:52 by neonpizza
@neonpizza I hope you enjoy them! Always happy to see folks excited about a game.
I can’t use VR and don’t enjoy resident evil. So I’m looking forward to spiderman 2 and rise of the ronin. But that’s about it. I will get street fighter 6 on series x. There are a few other games I will get cheap but those 3 are the only day one games for me on non Nintendo systems. But with Zelda coming out I suspect I will only get street fighter day 1.
Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa! Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp Team Cupcake! 11/15/14 Team Spree! 4/17/19 I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.
3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama
Agreed, Switch is one of the most perfect consoles! @Kermit1 Huh, will have to figure that out later... Thanks! @JaxonH Yeah, come to think of it that is definitely true... Star Wars probably being one of the most infamous examples so far, but definitely if something gets big enough it does attract that kind of immature person too...
Background Character in my Own Story.
I may post sporadically, but I'll try to reply as soon as I can!
@Ryu_Niiyama Oh man, Spider-Man 2 should be SO good, hopefully... I have a good feeling even though we haven't seen gameplay yet...
Background Character in my Own Story.
I may post sporadically, but I'll try to reply as soon as I can!
@JaxonH I personally can adjust my gameplay style, from handhelds to consoles or vice versa, depend on my mood so I can appreciate my purchased games and the machines whether they are consoles or handhelds. Consoles might take some time to boot up but I can be patient. Even I have to set up the peripheral to play older games with accessory controller before playing. It will take a time but it will be fun once you play the games.
My Top 3 Dance Dance Revolution Arcade: 1. Dance Dance Revolution X2 2. Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME 3. Dance Dance Revolution 3rd Mix
Switch Friend Code: SW-8364-7166-5608 | 3DS Friend Code: 2638-4872-0879 | Nintendo Network ID: TAGunderground
I recently bought an Xbox series S and while I think the UI is snappy enough, coming of Switch it is sooo cluttered. I got completely lost the first times lol. It does make me appreciate the simplicity of the Switch interface.
Even with a Series X, I still get the infamous "[insert game] took too long to load" error lots. Sure I have a game installed with a huge amount of DLC but a much weaker console (Xbox 360) could handle similar amounts with no problems. It's stuff like this that sours my experience with Xbox, especially as I'm sure the only way it would be resolved is if music games returned to late 2000s levels of popularity resulting in Microsoft and Sony having to take it into account with hardware and system update decisions.
Switch is currently the only system I can truly rely on.
Edited on Mon 20th February, 2023 @ 11:18 by Grumblevolcano
Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano
On another note, Chrono Cross is getting an update:
Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano
Yeah I think the simplicity and snappiness the Switch in general is underrated. The PS and XB OSs have so much clutter it can detract from the core gaming experience IMO. I do like XBox's Quick Resume though. I even think the Switch has by far the best online store of the three consoles, although can understand if people find it a little slow.
I also just think portability is about so much more than taking your console out the house. The knowledge that I can start a game and pick it up anytime unrestricted makes it far more likely that I'll even play it to begin with. How long would it take you to get through a book if it were tethered to a single desk in your house?
Edited on Mon 20th February, 2023 @ 12:05 by Buizel
Spent the weekend hopping around from game to game, seeing what I'll vibe with next. TMNT: Shredder's Revenge? Mighty fine, but I only played a few stages. Pokemon Sword? It's...a Pokemon game; looks great but...not feeling it at the moment. Cultist Simulator? Eh, it's not for me, too esoteric.
Touken Ranbu Warriors? Samurai timecops' save the world? Nothing revolutionary, it's a musou and it does it well. Played a solid five hours and I feel the need to play more. I might be dialed in for a while yet.
And my newest import order arrives today. Things are popping off. Eager to get into NeverAwake.
Switch Physical Collection - 1,103 games (as of February 20th, 2023) Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay
@JaxonH true after Nintendo Switch i cant play a console that is not a hybrid, is very convient for me to take my Switch to my country house during extended holidays and vacations, with a console like a PS5 i tied to my living room/bedroom, Nintendo Switch adapt to your lifestyle and i hope it sucessor continue this concept, because i cant return to a console tied to a single place.
Twitter: Giancarlo Thomaz Senoni(@Senoni
@neonpizza I had the same issue with PS4, strangely enough. And my Series X randomly turns on when I dock my Switch, so I had to turn off the HDMI CEC on that.
Of course, Switch has its downsides- you must always be cognizant of games with performance issues and do your due diligence before making any purchase. But even despite the downsides, the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
I feel like I could play this console the rest of my life. I don't think I'll need to, as I'm confident Switch 2 will also be hybrid, but if it came down to it, I could do it. We still have a good year ahead of us of more hybrid releases too.
@Giancarlothomaz I get it, I really do. Once you've acclimated to the freedom a hybrid system offers, it's so hard giving that up. In the same way gyro aiming ruined all shooters for me with dual analog only aiming, hybrid gaming has likewise ruined single purpose gaming devices.
It's a new era. No more being tethered to a tv- gaming has gone hybrid with Switch. No more aiming across an entire screen with a tiny analog that only has a half inch radius of movement- gyro aiming is now standard on Switch. No more sluggish OS like Wii U and 3DS- Switch is fast and snappy. No more fumbling about with physical carts- gaming has gone digital.
It truly is the best time to be a gamer.
PLAYING NS: Metroid Prime Remastered, Fire Emblem Engage 3DS: Fire Emblem Fates - Revelations SD: Hogwarts Legacy XSX / PS5 / PC: [none]
@JaxonH Every games have different way to play and that makes every games have their unique experiences. I still enjoy games that have to locked on TV with some peripherals to play. I still give appreciation for traditional locked on TV, Hybrid from Switch and portable from 3DS / NDS. They have their unique way to play for me and that's why I support both PlayStation and Nintendo machines because I want to play both of them.
My Top 3 Dance Dance Revolution Arcade: 1. Dance Dance Revolution X2 2. Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME 3. Dance Dance Revolution 3rd Mix
Switch Friend Code: SW-8364-7166-5608 | 3DS Friend Code: 2638-4872-0879 | Nintendo Network ID: TAGunderground
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