SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake players will be thrust straight into the action in Wild West Jellyfish Fields. Here's how to finish the area.
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake doesn't make players wait before dumping them head-first into the action. THQ Nordic and Purple Lamp Studios are quick to throw the player, and everyone's favorite sponge, into the thick of it. As soon as chaos begins, SpongeBob and Patrick find themselves exploring the wild west.
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Now tasked with traversing rough terrain to find Mr. Krabs and get back home, the dynamic duo will find Jelly monsters, cactus juice theft, and mine shafts standing in their way. With little other option and lots of courage, SpongeBob and Patrick are up to the challenge. Here's how to get through Wild West Jellyfish Fields in The Cosmic Shake.
Right from the get-go, players will find themselves riding saddle back down a mountain trail on a seahorse. The ultimate goal is simple: Find Mr. Krabs and get him back home to Bikini Bottom. Approaching some active train tracks, with a locomotive making a pass, the horse startles and bucks, throwing SpongeBob across the train and onto the ground, where the action picks back up.
Having to cross steep cliffs, sharp drops, and rickety wooden platforms, the player will eventually be passed by Mrs. Puff riding on a wild carriage, having taken on a new identity as a horse riding instructor in this western-themed reality. Following her trail of luggage, the player approaches Mrs. Puff's Riding Ranch. While walking around, players will notice an increasing amount of wanted posters detailing the Red-Handed bandit, who looks an awful lot like Mr. Krabs.
Talking to Mrs. Puff confirms what SpongeBob had theorized earlier, that most instances of their friends in these alternate realities don't share the memories of their original selves, so introductions will be in order every time a friend or foe pops up in a new setting. To advance, players will have to complete a horse riding test, which introduces players to the full suite of moves available to these unique gameplay segments. This includes the ability to jump over enemies, obstacles, and pits, and the ability to boost forward for a short period, which lets the seahorse smash through obstacles unharmed. After completing the horse track test to qualify for a horse-riding license (much to SpongeBob's dismay, motorized vehicles aren't covered by it), players need to simply jump onto the massive bounce pad before them, and they'll have arrived at Manta Fe.
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The town of Manta Fe is the only peaceful, quiet place in Wild West Jellyfish Fields (once the player clears out a few straggling Jelly Monsters, of course). If players scout the rooftops, they can find buttons that can be activated with an attack to generate floating platforms to collect Jelly that is high in the sky around the town. Following the convenient trail of Jelly into Sappy Saloon, players will be confronted by Sheriff Sandy, and after being interrupted by an intruding horse of Jelly Monsters, she'll invite SpongeBob to a Cactus Juice drinking contest.
The mini-game is simply a button-mashing session with a timed sequence. The bartender will slide drinks from the right towards SpongeBob, and players will have to hit the button prompt at the right time to grab the drink before it slides past. Once grabbed, players need only mash the button prompted on screen to down the cup. Rinse and repeat 2 or 3 times, and you'll easily out-drink Sheriff Sandy!
After that, players will be tasked with resolving the town's sudden drought of Cactus Juice, which may have something to do with a Familiar Looking Stranger that offers to help you in your juice-collecting endeavors. Having learned the Bubble Blowing technique immediately beforehand, players can access the lift to head towards Cacteen Hills. Before leaving, take note of the cemetery off to the side of town, seemingly inaccessible. Come back later when you have a certain skill, and you'll be able to take a gander at what's over there.
After taking another horse ride through some Jelly Monsters, players will meet up with the Familiar Looking Stranger in Cacteen Hills. Now able to roam freely again, players will have to suck the juice from three cactuses, each one further up the rock formations than the last. The last cactus, at the peak of the opposite rock, is also the introduction to a new Jelly Monster, one that can spawn more Jellies and emits a sonic roar every time it is damaged, rendering SpongeBob dazed for a moment if hit. Once dealt with, players will glide back down to the Familiar Looking Stranger, where he'll congratulate you and have you dump the collected Cactus Juice into a depository, before sending you further down into the rocks on horseback to cross more rock formations and cliffs to gather two more cactuses worth of juice.
Upon gathering the first cactus, metal star platforms will appear, creating a pathway for players to cross toward the second cactus. The second cactus is guarded by a horde attack of Jelly Monsters and is seated right next to another Cactus Juice depository. Once those two cactuses are deposited, the Familiar Looking Stranger, revealed to be Mr. Krabs, tells SpongeBob he needs more Cactus Juice than that and sends him even deeper into the rocks, and toward a Jelly-infested abandoned mining yard.
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The abandoned mine rigging is perilous, with massive Puffer fish bouncing down the cliff faces and riggings like an eternal rock slide. Players will have to eye their patterns to avoid being smushed under their weight while avoiding pitfalls and Jelly Monsters as they work their way up the rocks, gathering the Cactus Juice one cactus at a time.
With the third cactus collected players will approach a covered mine shaft and will be quickly ambushed by Jelly Monsters. Upon their defeat and the depositing of the Cactus Juice in the covered mine entrance, the added weight will prove too great, and the floor to the shaft will collapse, sending SpongeBob and Patrick into the abandoned mine.
Once down there, players will have to navigate a small series of platform jumps over bottomless pits, before finding themselves speaking to an old Gold Miner, who says that the gold in this old mine is his, and they can't have any. Calming the Miner down and explaining the situation, the Miner says he'll let them use his elevator to leave if they retrieve his Gold Tooth, which was stolen from him by an Alaskan Bull Worm that patrols the main body of the mine, down the cliff to his right.
With no other option, SpongeBob and Patrick agree, hoping down into the main mine segment to find the tooth. The Gold Tooth is hidden in one of the many destructible junk piles littering the arena, and will be large and easily spotted upon destroying the pile it's hidden within.
Once the Gold Tooth has been secured, the player will again be ambushed by Jelly Monsters, though they don't present any challenge that has not been faced at this point. Upon their defeat and using nearby Jump Pads to return the Gold Tooth to the Gold Miner, he thanks you and allows you to exit the mine on the elevator, propelling SpongeBob and Patrick back to the surface.
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Back on the surface, SpongeBob notices a locomotive racing by on a set of tracks, with all the collected Cactus Juice stored onboard. Giving chase on horseback, Mr. Krabs is then revealed to be the master thief of the Cactus Juice, he is the Red-Handed Bandit that all the wanted posters have been warning the player about this whole time. Players will now be chasing after the train, boosting through obstacles, and dodging barrels of Cactus Juice that Mr. Krabs is throwing off the back of the train to try and stop the player's progress. Boosting off a side ramp onto the rear train, SpongeBob has to fight his way to the front of the train and get Mr. Krabs.
Mr. Krabs will repeatedly taunt the player, tipping his hat as he backs out and slams the train car's door in the player's face. Having to fight through hordes of Jelly Monsters in close quarters is a change of pace from the wide-open arenas the level has presented so far, so cat-like reflexes to attack or push past enemies in pursuit of Mr. Krabs is a must-have skill. Eventually, players will confront Mr. Krabs at the front locomotive, where he asks to not be taken back yet, until Sheriff Sandy arrives to take him away for his theft of the town's Cactus Juice. Not wanting to waste his chance, SpongeBob blows the magic bubble and takes himself, Patrick, and Mr. Krabs back to Bikini Bottom, leaving Sheriff Sandy to scratch her head and wonder what happened. Once back home in Bikini Bottom, Mr. Krabs says he learned a valuable lesson: He can't put a price tag on his employee of the month.