Any fishable day in February is a good day, and if temps get into the 50 and 60s on a fishable day in February it’s a great day! We’re looking at a very mild week where temps on Thursday could get into the 70s in some spots so let’s hope the wind cooperates too.
Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star is going to get out on every fishable day in the winter and today was certainly one of those.
Underway before dawn; we dropped blocks at the edge of light & kept heading east. Spent a while hunting a new piece first thing. Didn’t pan out. Hunted jumbos all morning really. Nicked one now and again, some smalls: nothing worked save to catch a precious few. Then, at noon, we came upon a whale. It blew a few times distant, then disappeared beneath the day’s small swell. In a bit we’d see a sight no one aboard will forget – that whale leapt almost completely free of the water.. What a sight. Over and over again the biggest whale I’ve ever seen breach would launch itself skyward. It was soon joined by another. I confirmed they were right whales – among which there are just 350 or so remaining. Wish I could have narrowed our distance. Cetologists have them all named – can tell which whale is which by various markings and callosite growths. Once identified I had to let them mosey on off to the NE where they were soon joined by yet another. As of today I’ve seen 9 right whales in 43 years.. Saw two at once 21 years ago. They were trying like heck to make a third. Then today we had three at once along with my first right whale breach. What a fabulous sight. Absolutely spectacular. Rob from NJ was high hook (against some skill too – and I am not referring to Hurricane Murray!) Rob also won the pool with a big female he let go. Going again in the am.. Cheers, Monty
Any fishable day in February is a good day, and if temps get into the 50 and 60s on a fishable day in February it’s a great day! We’re looking at a very mild week where… READ MORE
Crab Pie Ingredients 1 Pound jumbo lump crab meat 2 Deep Dish Pie Crusts (this recipe will make 2 pies) 1/4 cup of diced onion (or shallots) 8 oz of Swiss cheese 2 Tablespoons flour 3… READ MORE
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