How long have you been at City Light? Just over one year
Division: Utility Operations, Data Systems and Solutions
Tell us about your role. What does your job entail? My primary role as a Work Asset Management System (WAMS) system administrator is user set-up, training, and support. This includes troubleshooting WAMS errors in various modules, providing training and training documents to different org units in the utility, and configuring WAMS tables with updated values based on business needs, etc. Also, our group is responsible for ad hoc report building, querying WAMS and PeopleSoft databases for orgs across the utility, both in transmission and distribution and generation.
Alma Mater: For undergrad I attended the University of Washington. Go Dawgs! For graduate school I attended the University of South Carolina. Go Cocks!
Discipline/Trade of study: Biology and International Master of Business Administration
Tell us about your family: My wife, Chris, and I have two cats: Marvin and Butters.
What is one of your biggest accomplishments? I would have to say completing my two-year Peace Corps service in Malawi. While my experience in Malawi was very humbling and informative, it was challenging being away from everything I had ever known. I made some amazing friends who I now consider family. These two years changed my outlook on life and provided me with an important sense of gratitude. I am extremely grateful I was able to have this experience!
What’s one thing that has surprised you about working at City Light? Before coming aboard, I did not understand what it meant for City Light to include both generation and transmission and distribution (T&D) operations. In my short time with the utility, I have enjoyed learning the difference between generation – the process of creating electricity from other forms of energy and T&D – the different stages of carrying electricity over poles and wires from generating facilities to a home or a business.
What is your favorite local activity? I enjoy all things outdoors such as hiking, fishing, and camping. I’m also a big Mariners, Sounders, and Seahawks fan! On a nice Seattle day, we enjoy riding our bikes on one of the many bike paths throughout our green city.
Where is your favorite place that you have traveled? I have two favorite trips: Glacier National Park and Mexico City.
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Pay off my family and friends’ debts then probably buy a house and fix up my 1991 BWM E30.
Debra Smith, General Manager and CEO Address: 700 5th Ave, Seattle, WA, 98104 Mailing Address: PO Box 34023, Seattle, WA, 98124-4023 Phone: (206) 684-3000 Email:
Seattle City Light was created by the citizens of Seattle in 1902 to provide affordable, reliable, and environmentally responsible electric power to the City of Seattle and neighboring suburbs.