Thu February 16, 2023 - National Edition Wirtgen Group
Hamm is presenting a packed program at ConExpo-Con/AGG 2023, including several world premieres as well as innovative further developments.
The spectrum of innovations ranges from electrified tandem rollers, compactors, pneumatic-tire rollers and pivot-steered tandem rollers, right through to the Smart Doc compaction app for self-monitoring and documentation.
Particular focus is placed on the electric tandem rollers in the HD CompactLine series, which is used across the world. They compact with zero local emissions and also are extremely quiet, according to the manufacturer.
The operation and the compaction parameters are identical to the diesel-driven machines. The completely battery-powered rollers can work for an entire typical work day with the Li-ion battery (capacity 23 kWh) without needing to be charged. The rollers are expected to be available in the United States from the end of 2023.
With the HC series, Hamm is bringing together all compactors with an operating weight of 24,251 to 55,116 lbs. on a single platform. The engine power levels are between 85 and 160 kW; their emissions comply with the respective regional requirements.
Due to an integrated ECO-Mode, the rollers work in the economical partial-load range for most of the time. With over 20 percent increased tread, around 30 percent increased space, and more storage compartments, the Easy Drive cabs are more comfortable than ever.
Many options are available for all models — from the automatic engine stop through to the dozer blade. Due to numerous interfaces, the compactors in the HC series are "digital-ready", in other words, they are ready to be used in an extremely wide range of tools, including the Smart Doc app.
In the future, there also will be CR machines with specially reinforced equipment for use on rocky ground and on difficult terrain.
In the segment for small compactors (11,023 to 15,432 lbs.), Hamm is showcasing the HC CompactLine series. In contrast to the predecessor models, Hamm has further improved the driving comfort, and has increased the traction and gradeability.
The HC 70i model is still the most compact roller in the 7 t class on the market. Various digital tools are available for all HC CompactLine models, in particular the Smart Doc app. It supports GNSS-based self-monitoring and documentation.
The Smart Doc app from Hamm makes it easy to create compaction reports for self-monitoring and documentation.
The Smart Doc app from Hamm makes it easy to create compaction reports for self-monitoring and documentation.
The free Smart Doc app shows in real-time how the compaction develops, and links the machine data to GNSS position data. The app creates clear compaction results in PDF format. They are suitable for self-monitoring as well as for documentation with respect to clients.
No separate monitor is required to operate the app. It works simply via standard Android smartphones or tablets. In the 2023 asphalt season, M2M (machine to machine) communication and M2C (machine to cloud) communication also will play a role.
With the HP 100i articulated pneumatic-tire roller, Hamm is presenting a world premiere at the ConExpo-Con/AGG. The base weight of the roller is 13,228 lbs. and can be increased to up to 22,046 lbs. using different ballast kits.
With five wheels on the front axle and four wheels on the rear axle, the new pneumatic-tire roller has a working width of 68 in.
The generous overlap of the tire tracks results in homogeneous compaction. At the same time, the 3-point articulated joint ensures high maneuverability. The roller is ideal for applications such as chipseal and asphalt compaction on smaller construction sites.
A water-sprinkling system and various scrapers can be integrated on request. The speed can be adjusted safely and conveniently directly at the driving lever. Clever speed control depending on the steering angle means that the roller can always be maneuvered safely through curves despite the extremely high final speed.
The HX series is the new flagship from Hamm for asphalt construction. The pivot-steered tandem rollers 15,432 or 19,842 lb. are following in the footsteps of the DV+ series and are designed for high-quality compaction. There are models with split and non-split vibration and oscillation drums, as well as combination rollers.
A key component of the well-conceived compaction technology is the integrated automatic reversing: It brakes and accelerates the rollers quickly, but smoothly. The electrically adjustable seat operating unit, which automatically turns to the direction of travel when reversing, is unique on the market. The excellent visibility also contributes to the quality — including a window in the cab floor for a view of the drums.
The HTC 15 articulated trench roller for compaction in trenches is new to the Hamm range. It is equipped with two 32 in. wide padfoot drums, making it perfect for compacting cohesive soils. It is operated via infrared remote control. This brings several advantages: On the one hand, the roller stops as soon as the operator no longer has a line of sight. On the other hand, the signal transmission via infrared does not interfere with other radio links on the construction site.
The low center of gravity of the 3307 lbs. roller ensures an extremely low tendency to tip.
The HD+ 120i VIO-2 HF articulated tandem roller also is new. Hamm is therefore opening up new possibilities, since it is equipped with two completely maintenance-free VIO drums. Both drums can work with vibration or with oscillation; this can be switched from the driver's seat. Furthermore, Hamm has developed a special automatic vibration system for this machine.
The front drum in the direction of travel always operates in vibration mode, while the rear drum operates in oscillation mode; when reversing, the drums are switched automatically. This results in high compaction power — but operation always remains simple. These 26,455 lbs. machines compact at a high frequency (> 4000 VPM). As a result, they produce homogeneous asphalt surface courses even at high driving speeds and achieve high surface outputs.
The market launch of the 12-ton machine is scheduled for the end of 2023.
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