When it comes to motor vehicles and driving, Massachusetts has some of the most rigorous laws in the country, behind only Alaska and Oregon. Massachusetts' rules of the road seem especially strict when in comparison to some states like say Florida, where you can basically put anything with wheels on the road.
Some rules of the road are unspoken, meaning they might not technically be laws, but it's common sense or common courtesy to follow them. Most of the driving "rules" you know were probably picked up from your parents, either spending time with them as a young passenger or learning how to drive.
My mom was big on having our hands out the window. She would YELL if she even saw a finger out of that thing, followed up by a lecture about how dangerous it was and that we would lose a limb if we were in an accident.
Another big driving "rule" that stuck with me from my youth, pertained to the interior light. Before everyone carried around cell phones with flashlights, if you wanted to look for something in a dark car, you actually had to use the interior light. God forbid I turned that light on when one of my parents was driving. I don't exactly know if they specifically told me it was illegal, but somewhere along the way that got stuck in my head.
The short and sweet answer? No. It is not again the law to drive with your interior light on, however, it can be dangerous. According to Policy Genuis Auto Insurance News, driving with interior lights on at night can be hazardous as dome light may affect your field of vision, or could reflect off of your windshield wiper, impairing your ability to see the road ahead.
While in most places, including Massachusetts, you might not receive a fine or ticket specifically for interior light, it could fall under the category of distracted driving which is defined as “any activity that diverts attention from driving.” While this normally covers things like texting or talking on your phone or eating, it can also include changing the stereo or navigation system, and the use of interior lights, if it's deemed that it was an unnecessary distraction that caused a violation or accident.